Hortum Botanicum
The Hortum Botanicum (DBV) is a collection of live, native plants and introduced with didactic, research and extension purposes. To do so, it has two employees, two vegetation houses, one orchard and about 1 ha of beds where native plants are grown, from seeds and seedlings from the forests of the Viçosa region, in addition to other species introduced for purposes research and teaching. Horto Botânico is visited by students from all over the region and from different levels of schooling (from kindergarten to undergraduate), most public schools. They are accompanied by staff, undergraduate and graduate students, and by project trainees. During the year the Botanical Garden receives approximately one thousand students. In addition to the visits, many Botany projects and other areas of Biology are developed using its structure. Horto is registered as a science-space in the Pro-rectory of Extension and Culture of UFV.