Center for biomolecules analysis

Center for Biomolecules Analysis(NuBIOMOL). NuBioMol was established on October 14, 2009, based on Resolution No. 19/2009 of the University Council of UFV and is linked to the Center of Biological and Health Sciences of UFV, which includes the Department of Plant Biology. The facilities can be used by all UFV, researchers, and students of the UFV, and other institutions being a unit of multidisciplinary and multiuser character. In this sense, the intention of the NuBIOMOL is to maximize the use of its equipment that is large, of high cost and of expensive maintenance. The Collegiate of NuBioMol decided to offer periodic Extension Courses for the training of those interested in using such equipment in their research in order to make the researcher sufficiently independent for the conscious manipulation of the devices.