Research lines
The projects developed by the advisors in the research lines of the program offer opportunities for training in different areas of the Botany.
The objectives of the researches are: - to contribute to the knowledge of biodiversity, through studies of flora, in Minas Gerais and Brazil, with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach involving morphological, anatomical, taxonomic, physiological, ecological, genetic-molecular, reproductive and biochemical; - generate knowledge that can contribute to the sustainable exploitation and conservation of biodiversity resources and for the recovery of biodiversity degraded; - to assess the impact of different environmental stresses on plant species, emphasis on those generated by anthropic alterations, aiming at understanding the mechanisms of plant responses and selection of species to be used in biomonitoring and phytoremediation programs; - to evaluate the molecular, metabolic and physiological diversity of plants, microalgae and cyanobacteria and select genotypes with bioenergetic and productive potential; - to identify molecular markers for application in diversity studies genetics and plant breeding, by means of tissue culture techniques and of genetic transformation of plants.
Concentration Area "Structural and Functional Botany":
MORPHANATOMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF VASCULAR PLANTS Structure and development of vegetative and reproductive organs. Strategies adaptations in different types of vegetation, especially in the cerrado and rock formations. Secretory structures: anatomy, ultrastructure, ontogeny, characterization of the secreted products and evaluation of the biotechnological potential. Anatomy applied to Taxonomy: identification of useful morpho-anatomic characters for solving taxonomic problems in different groups of plants and for phylogenetic interpretations.
MORPHOGENESIS IN VITRO, TRANSFORMATION OF PLANTS AND REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION Vegetative and reproductive development "in vitro". Control of morphogenesis and gene expression in plants: anatomical, physiological, biochemical, genetic and molecular. Applications of plant transformation techniques.
MORPHOPHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR EVALUATIONS IN TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC ORGANISMS Assessment of the impact of different environmental stresses, including those generated by anthropic alterations, on the morphophysiological responses of native plants and cultivation, aiming to elucidate the mechanisms of resistance and the selection of species to be used in biomonitoring and phytoremediation programs. Molecular, metabolic and physiological diversity in angiosperms. Ecology functional algae and cyanobacteria; identification and selection of genotypes potential bioenergetic and productive.
Concentration area "Ecology, Systematics, and Evolution":
FUNCTIONAL AND ECOSYSTEM ECOLOGY Qualitative, quantitative, functional and phylogenetic analysis in ecosystems terrestrial Conservation and ecological restoration of natural areas. The relationship between biota and soils in landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems.
SYSTEMATICS OF VASCULAR PLANTS Floristic and taxonomic studies in several Brazilian biomes. Research phylogenetic and biogeographic parameters in vascular plants. Morphological diversity and genetics.
The objectives of the research are: - to contribute to the knowledge of biodiversity, through studies of flora, in Minas Gerais and Brazil, with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach involving morphological, anatomical, taxonomic, physiological, ecological, genetic-molecular, reproductive and biochemical; - generate knowledge that can contribute to sustainable exploitation and conservation of biodiversity resources and for the recovery of biodiversity degraded; - to assess the impact of different environmental stresses on plant species, emphasis on those generated by anthropic alterations, aiming at understanding the mechanisms of plant responses and selection of species to be used in biomonitoring and phytoremediation programs; - to evaluate the molecular, metabolic and physiological diversity of plants, microalgae and cyanobacteria and select genotypes with bioenergetic and productive potential; - to identify molecular markers for application in diversity studies genetics and plant breeding, by means of tissue culture techniques and of genetic transformation of plants.