Unit for research and conservation of Bromeliaceae

The Unit for research and conservation of Bromeliaceae - UPCB, inaugurated on June 9, 2003, has a total area of 2,300 m2 divided into three sectors: botanical collection, the Brazilian ecosystem/biome garden and its bromeliads, and the research sector . The botanical collection (ex-situ conservation) groups about 1,200 species of bromeliads from all Brazilian ecosystems / biomes, especially those occurring in Minas Gerais. In the thematic garden are represented five Brazilian ecosystems / biomes and their bromeliads: Atlantic forest, altitude fields, restinga, cerrado and caatinga. The research sector is primarily responsible for studies on the species of interest for the conservation of biodiversity in Minas Gerais and Brazil. Studies are carried out in the areas of Systematics (Floristics and Taxonomy), Ecology, Phytotechnology, Micropropagation, etc. The UPCB has a taxonomic research laboratory, equipped with stereoscopic microscopes, computers and a specific bibliographic collection on Bromeliaceae. It also has a study and research room for undergraduate and graduate students. The UPCB is registered as a science-space in the Pro-rectory of Extension and Culture of UFV.