LEEP seminar schedule set for 2021

The Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plants, LEEP, released the sequence of seminars for the year 2021, which during the pandemic will be held through the link meet.google.com/hgd-rjdg-jyv Wednesdays at 16:30 h.

Below is the sequence of the seminar presenters:

Name Date Moderator
João Meira Neto 04/28/21 Andreza ou Pedro
Andreza ou Pedro 05/5/21 João
Pedro ou Andreza 12/05/21 Pedro ou Andreza
Alex Coelho  5/19/21 Pedro ou Andreza
Herval Pinto-Junior 5/26/21 Alex
Larissa Müller 6/2/21 Herval
Alice Rodrigues 6/9/21 Larissa
Lhoraynne Gomes 6/16/21 Alice
Maribel Colmenares 6/23/21 Lhoraynne
Rodrigo Gorsani 6/30/21 Maribel
Carlos Galván 07/07/21 Rodrigo
Jossielli Costa 7/14/21 Carlos
Miguel Teixeira 7/21/21 Josielli
Fabia Souza 7/28/21 Miguel
Nathália Silva 8/4/21 Fabia
Bruna Brahim 8/11/21 Nathália
Arícia Penna 8/18/21 Bruna
Elielson Ferreira 8/25/21 Arícia
Valdivino Junior 9/1/21 Elielson
Natalia Sacchetto 9/8/21 Valdivino Junior