Advisor of Botany among the 24 new researchers supported by Serrapilheira

The Prof. Wagner Luiz Araújo, director of PPG / Botânica / UFV is among the 24 scientists contemplated with up to R $ 100,000 to develop their projects for one year. The scientists were selected by the 2nd Public Call for Scientific Research, which sought to identify researches that asked creative and audacious fundamental questions, without requiring applicability, in the areas of Natural Sciences, Computer Science and Mathematics.

The new grantees will have the flexibility to use the resources in the form they deem most convenient for the development of searches. After one year, the projects will be revalued and up to three may receive up to R $ 1 million, for three years. Support can be renewed annually. With this, the Institute reaffirms its commitment to concentrate available resources on excellence research, supported in the long term.

In addition to receiving financial support, the new grantees will participate in training, workshops and integration events, such as the annual "Enconfil Serfililheira".

All candidates were evaluated by 44 international panelists, listed below, who composed eight panels. Collective reviews have taken place in the United States, Australia and Israel. Check out the details of the selection process.