****** Selection result for PPGBot 2020-I***

Lush, November 22, 2019.

The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Botany (CPPGBot) of the Federal University of Viçosa, in the use of its attributions, makes public the result for the selection of candidates for Masters and Doctorate courses for entry in the 1st semester of 2020:


1 - Jean Coutinho Oder

2 - Victorina Bispo Aires

3 - Elielson Lucas Ferreira

4 - Kaík Faria de Souza

5 - Welson Junior Silva

6 - Camila Santos Meireles


1- Arícia Penna Silva


1 - Mitchel Iago Alves Costa

2 - Clara da Cruz Vidart Badia

3 - Franklin Sponsor Rezende

4 - Carlos Mario Galvan Cisneros


1 - João Victor da Costa Santos

2 - Clara Prandi Mouzella

3 - Jessica Ribeiro Soares

The Botany Graduate Program Coordination informs you that admission is valid only for the indicated term. We request that any withdrawals be reported as soon as possible. We request that all approved students express their intention to study for a master's or doctorate degree by no later than 12/15/2019, by email (bot@ufv.br) or by tel: +55 (31) 3612-5151, so that we may call on the substitutes in a timely manner.