Result of the Selective Process for 02/2019 of the Botany Graduate Program
The Coordination of the Botany Graduate Program (CPPGBot) of the University
Federal de Viçosa, in the use of its attributions, makes public the result for the selection
of the candidates for the Masters course for admission in the second semester of 2019:
- Esneider Rojas Vargas
- Otavio Batista de Castro Ribeiro
The Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Botany communicates that admission is valid only for the indicated academic period. We request that, in case of withdrawal, you should contact the Botany Program as soon as possible, no later than July the 7th, 2019, by email ( or tel: (31) 3612-5151.
Please note that registration will be held on August 1st, 2019 at the Program Secretariat, from 8 am to noon. Classes will begin on August 5th, 2019.